Bar of Paris – 2013
- Profile
- Professional experience
- Representative work
- Publications & conferences
- Education & Recognitions
Professional experience
A member of both the Bar of Québec and the Barreau de Paris, Fanny is a lawyer who demonstrates great responsiveness and tenacity in handling the cases entrusted to her by clients. She is often called to respond to crisis situations that may have significant consequences on the business or reputation of clients.
Fanny’s practice focuses on complex criminal business law cases, including the defense of individuals and companies involved in alleged breaches of the Securities Act, such as insider trading, manipulation of financial markets and Ponzi schemes.
She also assists clients with internal investigations and the development of insider trading, anti-corruption and anti-money laundering policies.
Fanny also acts on a wide variety of civil and commercial litigation files for Canadian, American and European clients.
Alongside her practice, Fanny is a leader and co-founder of the Quebec Chapter of the global Women’s White Collar Defense Association (WWCDA), promoting the practice of women’s business criminal law within the national and global legal community. She was also recently appointed to the executive committee of the Canadian Bar Association’s National Criminal Law Section.
Before joining LCM Attorneys in 2020, Fanny practiced in Montreal with a major national law firm (from 2015 to 2020), having before that started her career in Paris with an international firm. She has also worked in law firms in London and Shanghai.
Representative work
Defence before the Court of Quebec, Criminal Division, of a corporate officer prosecuted by the Autorité des marchés financiers du Québec (AMF) for alleged violations of the Securities Act (Ponzi scheme, etc.).
Defense before the Tribunal administratif des marchés financiers of individuals sued by the AMF for alleged manipulation of financial markets (pump & dump) in violation of the Securities Act.
Defence before the Quebec Superior Court, Criminal Division, of the former CEO of a reporting issuer charged by the AMF with alleged violations of the Securities Act (insider trading).
Representation of a CEO and insider of a reporting issuer in connection with an investigation by the AMF for alleged violations of the Securities Act (pump & dump).
Representation of a portfolio manager in connection with an investigation by the AMF for alleged violations of the Securities Act (insider trading).
Advising a reporting entity on its anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing obligations pursuant to the Criminal Code and the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act, and with respect to its communications with FINTRAC (the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada).
Representation of a company before the civil courts in connection with an investment fraud in the foreign exchange market.
Representation of a law firm in proceedings related to cyber fraud.
Represented a president, CEO and designated person in administrative proceedings brought by the AMF before the Financial Markets Administrative Tribunal in connection with alleged violations of the Securities Act and of Regulation 31-103 relating to registration requirements and exemptions and continuing obligations of registrants.
Representation of Aylo in an important class action lawsuit filed before the Superior Court of Québec in relation to allegations of unauthorized distribution of explicit images and videos. The class action seeks $600 million in damages, including punitive damages.
“Penal offence under the Quebec Securities Act: The Court of appeal addresses the issue of proof of moral guilt”, LCM Attorneys blog, March 2022.
“Bulletin of the Paris Bar: White collar crime in Canada”, Bulletin du Barreau de Paris, September 2021.
“AMF et mandat de perquisition: la Cour supérieure rappelle les grands principes en matière de protocoles de fouille”, LCM Attorneys blog, May 2021.
Interview in the Canadian Lawyer Magazine: the launch of the Quebec Chapter of Women’s White Collar Defense Association, Canadian Lawyer Magazine, May 2021
“Délits d’initiés, pénalités administratives et prescription: la Cour suprême met fin au débat dans le dossier Nstein”, LCM Attorneys blog, February 2021.
“Inspections, vérifications administratives et enquêtes criminelles: la Cour du Québec rappelle les garanties constitutionnelles”, LCM Attorneys blog, November 2020.
Speaker, “White collar crimes”, University of Montreal, Penal law Comity, October 2022.
“Offences of manipulation of financial markets” (co-speaker), Women’s White Collar Defense Association, Quebec Chapter, June 2022.
” The negotiation of settlement agreement” (co-speaker), Women’s White Collar Defense Association, Quebec Chapter, November 2023.
Admission to the bar
- Bar of Québec – 2014
- Bar of Paris – 2013
- Sciences Po Paris and Paris I La Sorbonne, Global Business Law and Governance, 2010
Awards and recognitions
- Finalist at the Young Bar of Montreal “Leaders of Tomorrow” Gala, 16th edition, November 2022
- Leader and co-founder of the Quebec Chapter of the Women’s White Collar Defense Association
- Member of the Executive Committee of the National Criminal Law Section of the Canadian Bar Association
- Montreal Criminal Defence Lawyers Association